Refuge Therapy is an agency that loves helping people work on their challenges related to adoption. This includes adoptees of all ages, adoptive families, and first parents who are no longer caring for their children. Refuge Therapy is physically located near Bayfield, Ontario near the beach. However, I work from an office in Stratford, Ontario and an office in Exeter Ontario.

I am a foster and adoptive parent who cares deeply about listening to the voices of adoptees and learning how the experience of being adopted feels and affects their everyday lives. I also love learning from parents whose children were adopted by someone else and supporting them as they face the challenges related to the loss and trauma of their experience of adoption. My personal experience as an adoptive parent means that I understand the challenges that adoption brings the adoptive parents and any other children in the home.

Please contact me via the link at the bottom of this page if you have further questions or wish to connect with me.

Adoption Aware Therapy